Monday, September 14, 2009

I'm surrounded!

In talking with my mom and dad, they shared a little experience with me. They told me of how they took a drive to pine basin and back, hoping to see the fall leaves changing color, and how they decided to come into town to try and catch a sale at Smiths Food King. When they pulled in and parked, a very important part of their axle system fell off the wheel. Thunk. Now the important part of the axle system is important because without it, the wheel will go any direction spontaneously and could, hypothetically, cause one to flip a car going high speeds. Anyway, that is what I would guess it would do. They thought it especially noteworthy that this part would decide to thunk down on the ground when they were safely stopped in the parking lot, as opposed to during their trip, next to steep cliffs and high drop offs. I also thought it interesting. They felt that heavenly helpers had so much to do with this, because the part actually could have fallen off the car at any time. so why the parking lot?
Well I related to their story. I lived it. On my way home from Green Canyon last March I had a similar experience where we blew a tire. it was midnight, in the middle of a snow storm, without my husband, in the middle of nowhere, with five children in the van. Could I be any more blessed? NO. You see, I had just recently taken a trip to Utah, and we traveled at very high speeds. No blow out. Because it was snowy, I was already going slow. And because I was at the ward swimming party, all the priesthood was behind me and took care of us within 15 minutes. Heroes. I completely felt and absolutely know now that I was watched over, and that silly tire blew at the best possible moment. Although midnight, in a snowstorm, in the middle of nowhere, with five kids and no husband doesnt sound like the best scenario, it was. Sometimes it doesn't look like the best scenario. But it is in God's hands. We are best off to trust in Him I think. Also, I have never felt more surrounded by God's angels.
I think we are surrounded by seen and unseen both. My dad reminded me of the scripture in Doctrine and Covenants, which speaks about how He will go on our right hand and on our left. He will go before us. We are so not alone. That scripture is very true.


Susan said...

thanks! That was really sweet! I loved it. You helped me realize years ago to call on those Heavenly Angels when I need help. I like to think of Corey's dad's grandpa and others helping me get my boys on missions because out of all the grand children who are older they would be the first to go.

Have youe ever read Lance Richardson's (Christy Pymm's brother in law married to Jozet who passed away) book, The Message? Really interesting!

Janetlee said...

I remember that snowy night. For some reason I remember Scotty crying. It scared him I think. But I remember stopping to help only to find there were tons of people helping already. We have an awesome ward! I think the most awesome, really.