Saturday, January 24, 2009

Hmmm, what am I gonna write?
Okay, so Destin told me to write. Don't know what I will write. So I am just gonna start writing and see what comes out.
Destin is a blessing to me. I think Heavenly Father gave me a friend like him, cause he wants me to see myself as He sees me. Destin helps me do that. I am thankful to have a friend like him, cause he reminds me of what I forget sometimes--the good stuff about me.
It is easy to forget that sometimes. Destin inspires me to be better, and although he doesn't know this, (I guess he will now), he is teaching me to use the Atonement. He made a huge impact on me through a tiny little example. An example of forgiveness. I am going to follow it, and I know in return I will receive freedom.
I am thankful for Dawn. Dawn is a blessing to me. We drove around for like, two hours, talking about spiritual stuff last Wednesday. She teaches me. She says I teach her. We felt the Spirit, and both of us grew so much that day. We talked about stuff that had been on our minds. And since the Spirit was there we received answers to stuff on our minds, and we hadn't even been expecting that outcome.
I am thankful for Heavenly Father's patience and mercy while I am learning to be more like Him. It seems that it takes me a really long time to learn stuff. So I am grateful that He waits for me. I really love Him. My goodness, does He love us. He does. He really does.
Speaking of the Savior and His mission here on Earth, can you imagine what it would take to let your child suffer, so so very much? Wow. I have a hard time wrapping my tiny little brain around that. Once again, thankful for his patience and mercy whilst waiting for me to grow. Tiny little brain and such.
I am thankful for Susan. I think she has so much to give. I think she does. She thinks she doesn't. She does have and does give. She is a beautiful lady. I like talking to her, too.
I like talking to a lot of people. There are a lot of people who are important to me. Very important. I guess maybe these people just need to know today that I love them. I am thankful for them. And in a very, very real way, I know they are gifts in my life. I would be less without them. I really would.


Janetlee said...

Ditto and thank you for your kindnesses for me this week. The soup was great. I am starting to feel better. You are a dear friend.

Holly said...

You are so sweet. It is so nice to read such up-beat positive words! Remember just loving being around your positive happy spirit! Thanks for sharing it through the this is!