Tuesday, November 25, 2008


are supposed to be easy, fast, and not scary to put up. I have just decided it. So let it be written, so let it be done. Maybe I will figure it out before the snow comes-------- next week. Oh well. It is fun anyway. On the other house, I had a routine. I could do it all in a snap. Different house, different siding, different lights/hooks to figure out. Hmmm... tis the season to be jolly.... :-)


Sherrie said...

Easy fix. Move to a predominantely Orthodox Jewish neighborhood...and then you don't have to put up any Christmas lights because if you do...you'll be labeled "The Gentile" hee hee just kidding! WE do put up lights and have lots of fun doing it! Good luck figuring out the new house!!!

Janetlee said...

I broke down and bought new lights this year. It is a snowflake theme. Come check it out.