Sunday, August 23, 2009

I just finished reading the last post. That was such a good day. And now the grass is growing in the back yard as I write. So awesome. I had a couple people make some comments to me how they were worried about me and stuff. And that is so awesome because I know they care and love me. But no worries. I am fine and was fine. It is okay. It's okay if your life is hard for a time cause it molds and shapes you. It strengthens you, and I wouldn't change any of it. Somebody once said that "Life isn't hard. It is really about your attitude, and whether or not you think it is hard." Well, to that I just have to stick my tongue out and blow raspberries.
My life was hard there for a while. Dang hard. And I think it surprised some people close to me to read my last post because they just assumed things were fine and dandy. And they were, but marathon it was. and hard it was. It still is a little, but not like it was.
One time I was in stake conference and we were in the back with our 1.5 year old boys and our 3 year old girl and our 7 and 9 year old. We struggled with noise, toys, cries, and little ones being bored. It wasn't anything we didn't expect, but nevertheless it was stressful to us. Eventually one of the sippy cups which was entirely full of milk got entirely poured out onto the floor. It was more than I could handle emotionally (you know, the last straw sort of thing) and yes the mom and child left the gym to go stand out in the hall while dad took care of business. I guess the combination of sleepless nights (waking up with three different babies two times each can do that to ya) and stressful situation made me emotional and I began to cry in the hall.
Some wise man came up to me and said,"little ones now, little problems now. Big ones later, big problems later." I guess he was trying to tell me how that since my babies were little that my problems were little. He then went on to counsel me on the subject and I politely nodded. But I thought to myself, you sir, don't know as much as you think you do.
He did have some big problems. His problems required him giving up his life to care for a very sick person in his family round the clock.
Hmmmm sounded familiar to my situation. I too was trying to care for three little ones devotedly, and my life also was consumed by the caring for somebody else situation. I don't think he should have been counseling me on how my problems were just little, and that I should just wait til I was older. Then I'd really deal with some crap. Age doesn't matter.
But here is the point I want to make. I believe that all of us have at least one big test that they are to go through on this Earth. I also think that we are all going to end up learning the same lessons, but that the teaching situation will be different. One thing more that I know, is that mine might happen at 32, for another person it might occur at 69 and still another's might happen at 14. You see what I mean? It isn't necessarily chronological like entering kindergarten and exiting twelfth grade. One might have their lesson occur at a different age than someone else.
I don't ever want to see somebody in the hall of life crying, and tell them that their problem isn't that big. Just wait til they are older. I want to say, it is gonna be okay. And you are going to get through it because you are Father in Heaven's child. You are special and made of some tough stuff. Plus He is right along side you right now. Just look up.
All of the tests we go through are bigger than we are. Or else they wouldn't be tests. And we can be grateful for them. And I am. Am I blessed for having gone through an intense time in my life (and not only related to little ones, there are other things)? I am so blessed. would I change any of the experiences? No. I might change my reaction to them of course, but that just shows that I have learned from them. The things I have learned and the spiritual muscles I have gained are invaluable. I'd never go back. So hard life marathon, yeah. I was given heavenly help during the entire time. Yep. I learned from it and came out on top. YES! Is it okay to have life be hard for a while? Yessir. Does it mean I have a bad attitude? Please. My problems easy compared to some? Probably. Less difficult for me? Nope. I guess that is all I have to say about that.


Janetlee said...

Wow. That was a long'in. I liked it. Great thoughts. I wish you would post more often but I know you have facebook too. I wish I could talk to you every day.

Holly said...

I tried to comment the other day but then my little guy turned my computer off before I could submit it...must have been a sign to get off the computer. ; )
Aren't surprise blessings so wonderful!? That is awesome Santa exists year round! ; ) So glad you are doing better and I know how you feel I been through plenty of rough waters!