Monday, December 8, 2008

Oh Christmas tree...

I have been so sickly.... poor me poor me. Okay enough of that. We got a really tall Christmas tree. I love it. We chopped that baby down from the woods and had to get a ladder to decorate it. But we used all our decorations this year, and it reminds me of when I was a kid. Mostly because the height from tree to person ratio is the same as when I was little. So it must be ginormous for the little kids at my house. but they loved climbing the ladder too. Come over and see it sometime.


Holly said...

I would totally love to come and see it and your new house! Booooo on living so far away! : ( I am sure it is beautiful and fun for your kiddies! Sorry you have been sick, I have heard that there was a bad flu bug going around, looks like it has found your house.

Janetlee said...

I'm coming! What was Dave's word for Ginormous? Hey are there any chocolates left?

Sherrie said...

How fun to get a huge tall tree! Reading about your kids' "do as I'm doing" just cracked me up, I could totally imagine the whole thing. :) Tell them all "hi" for me!

kirstensblog said...

I sure will. I love reading about all your adventures with your kids too. I laughed so hard at Brooklyns yellow sprinkles. I really like her.
Janet, I think the word is Hugumptious, and Ive got your chocolates stashed away. Maybe you can get them on Wednesday when you drop Faithie off. And while you are, come in and see the tree.
Holly, I miss you, and so yes. Booo on living so far away!